Painting a face inspired by Modigliani

Welcome back to another Video Collaboration. Again with Marie from Sweden and Eleni from Greece. I do enjoy this collaboration (you probably have guessed it already if you are following me since a while 😉) It just keeps me going with working in my Art Journals or painting.

Now for this year I decided to try get inspiration from the old masters and I’m starting with Amadeo Modigliani, I do have some favourite artist like Modigliani or another I really like is Marc Chagal. Beside that I also have some favourite contemporary artist. I talk more about those on a later occasion. Let me know what are your favourite contemporary artists which you follow on Social Media? Or what are your most admired old masters?

Now for this postcard I did work on Eleni’s background. I have used a pencil, Gesso (as white paint), an oil based Charcoal pencil and acrylic paints.

Now enjoy and if you like my videos please share them on Social Media, with friends, your Mom and who not. It really helps a lot and is absolutely free for you.

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